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Social projects in Germany and Gambia

Current heart project 

Facility for mentally ill people in The Gambia

In 2008, the first and only facility for mentally ill people in Gambia was founded with the help of a Swedish aid organization. It is still actively used today, albeit with little to no financial support from the Gambian authorities. There is often a lack of medication, hygiene items, clothing, etc. The facility is currently in a critical condition and urgently needs your help.


A small donation can help the people there a lot, be it in the form of money, clothing or medicine.

Thank you very much for the donations we have already received.

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You want to help

Donations of any kind are accepted at our facility in Karlsruhe. The address for this is: Kriegsstraße 236 B, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany.

You can also donate money using the following bank details.


Bank details

Sparkasse Karlsruhe

Gambisch-deutsche Gesellschaft e. V.

IBAN DE61 6605 0101 0182 59607


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